Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chennai

About the university

The need for qualified veterinarians was felt as early as 1878 and the subject veterinary medicine was taught to the agriculture diploma students at the Agriculture College, Saidapet. Since, it was not found adequate to the needs of the society, a separate veterinary diploma was started at the same place during 1893. However, this was also not found adequate. Hence, the then Government of Madras Presidency taking cognizance of the initiatives of Government of India proposal to start a veterinary institute started the same at Vepery on 1st October 1903. The role of the then Superintendent of the Civil Veterinary Department Vet. Major W.D. Gunn who was also the first Principal of the Madras Veterinary College in establishing the institution, remains unparallel in the history. The college first functioned in a rented building called Dobbin Hall and utilized the hospital facilities of SPCA. The diploma offered was for a duration of three years and styled as Graduate of Madras Veterinary College (GMVC). From then on the institution surged forward mainly due to the untiring efforts of veterinarians. The curriculum of GMVC was modified number of times to meet the needs of the farmers of the south Indian region. The standards followed in the education were duly approved and recognized by the committee formed by the Madras University and the Madras Veterinary College became the first institution to get affiliated to a University to offer degree level course in veterinary science and the degree was styled as B.V.Sc. In 1974 this college was affiliated to the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University and from 1976 it started functioning as a constituent unit of the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University. The second veterinary college was started at the poultry belt of Tamil Nadu Namakkal during 1985.The relentless service by the institutes to the society was duly recognized and a separate University Tamil Nadu Veterinary & Animal Sciences University was formed for the first time in south Asia in 1989.

This University today is a well-recognized centre of higher education in veterinary and animal sciences.This University has three faculties namely Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Basic Sciences and Food Sciences, six constituent colleges - four veterinary colleges at Chennai, Namakkal, Tirunelveli and Orathanadu, one College of Food and Dairy Technology at Koduvalli, Chennai and one College of Poultry Production and Management at Hosur. There are just over 620 faculty members and 1,400 students. This University is offering four undergraduate programmes - B.V.Sc & A.H. and B.Tech programmes in three subjects namely Food Technology, Poultry Production Technology and Dairy Technology. Doctoral (Ph.D) and Master of Veterinary Sciences (M.V.Sc.) degrees are offered in 20 and 22 disciplines respectively in veterinary, animal and basic sciences faculties.Further, M.Tech and Ph.D programmes in Food Technology M.Phil degree programme in Biotechnology, M.Sc programmes in two subjects, and Master of Business Administration are also offered. A significant achievement in this year is the re-accreditation of the University by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research for a further period of five years upto 2020. The University also has a strong research base. In addition to the six constituent colleges, there are two directorates on animal production and animal health with their constituent laboratories and farms and a separate research directorate to oversee the research activities.There are nine research laboratories carrying out research in specific areas like veterinary biologicals, zoonosis, livestock feed analysis, disease diagnosis and surveillance, pharmaco-vigilance etc. The University reaches the unreached through its vast network of 21 Veterinary University Training and Research Centres (VUTRCs), three Farmers' Training Centres (FTCs) and three Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs). Eextension services are offered through Touch Screen Information Kiosks, audio / video lessons, Kisan Call Centre and advisory through emails and mobile SMS. The publication wing of the University publishes a magazine in vernacular language for livestock farming (Kalnadai Kathir) and a research journal, besides University newsletter in English and Tamil and Technical Reporter.

University Type
State Agricultural University
Established | NIRF Rank
1989 | NIRF Rank : 12
Vice Chancellor
Dr. KN Selvakumar


1.      To strengthen the academic and research programmes to produce quality graduates.

2.      To provide an intellectually stimulating environment for research.

3.      To stimulate economic development of the state and nation at large through the adoption of modern animal husbandry practices.

4.      To serve the society particularly the farming community by strengthening the extension activities.

5.      To utilize the modern information technology to provide better animal health care and to augment animal productivity.

6.      To promote eco-friendly livestock, poultry and fisheries production.




1.                Girls and boys hostels of all the constituent colleges were renovated and repaired with the total amount of Rs.176 lakhs. Living hostels to married doctoral students was also renovated in VCRI, NKL. This grant is a major grant to create a comfortable living environment to 2000 students of both UG and PG.

2.                In accredited colleges, ICAR-IDG funds were utilized for strengthening sports facility for the total amount of Rs.2.66 lakhs which improves the mental and physical health of the students of all three accredited college. The expenditure towards giving anti-rabies vaccine to around 200 students and free health checkup to around 100 girls were met from ICAR Development grant

3.                An amount of Rs. 57.11 Lakhs was spent to equip the four central instrumentation facilities located in University Main and three accredited colleges to facilitate the staff and students to do research and get practical exposure on the utility of various equipments.

4.                NTS attract students to study in other states which ensure the India unity in diversity. A total of 56 and 36 UG and PG students respectively were benefitted with this fund.

5.                All the PG students (both Ph.D and M.V.Sc) were provided with Rs. 5,000 to meet their research contingency.

6.                Various types of instructional study materials and practical manuals (Seven) were prepared in the discipline of Veterinary Microbiology and Animal Genetics & Breeding. E-modules were prepared in Veterinary Anatomy and Extension departments.

7.                A Mobile App for practical Veterinary Microbiology was also developed for the first time. A website www.tanuvasvetmicro.com was created to support the Mobile App. This is expected to help more than 1500 students. It will help to promote learning at their convenient time.

8.                The e-learning modules developed with ICAR-NAIP funding were improved for Veterinary Anatomy, Veterinary Physiology and Livestock Production and Management to benefit the first year students, for whom a modified syllabus and curriculum have been proposed by Veterinary Council of India.

9.                ICAR-IDG provided a major fund for the faculties to attend symposium/conferences and training programs. Totally, 28 professors, 14 associate professors and 70 assistant professors were benefitted with this fund.

Refresher training programme for 3 days were conducted for Administrative/Non-teaching staff of TANVAS in 6 batches. Totally, 235 staff were benefitted with this training which had 13 sessions to cover various topics related to establishment, accounts and budgets.

DBT Schemes


Financial Year : 2023-24 | Beneficiary :1

National Talent Scholarship-UG

Financial Year : 2023-24 | Beneficiary :112



Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University,Chennai
Madhavaram Milk Colony, Chennai

Website : https://www.tanuvas.ac.in