Rajasthan University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Bikaner

About the university

The Rajasthan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (RAJUVAS), Bikaner is a constituted body corporate established under Sub-section (3) of Section 1 of the Rajasthan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Act, 2010. The University came into existence on 13th day of May, 2010 with Prof. (Dr.) Col. A. K. Gahlot as the first Vice-Chancellor. RAJUVAS plays a unique role in the state by having its mandate to train students at the Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral level in various disciplines related to Veterinary and Animal Sciences. As mandated by the state with specified purpose and responsibility, the University endeavors to become a centre for excellence in its field of specialization along with contributing to the states economic growth and development. Besides, scaling up livestock developmental programs, it also has the responsibility to prove techno-business personals for up scaling industrial growth as well as adjust to the emerging challenges of livestock and allied sectors and striving to fulfill farmers aspirations.


University Type
State Agricultural University
Established | NIRF Rank
Vice Chancellor
Prof. Manoj Dixit




  1. Modern library facilities created have boosted e-learning amongst students and faculty of the University.
  2. Hostel facility created has provided students good accommodation with safe and hygienic environment.
  3. Making functional overhead tank has ensured timely water supply in the campus.
  4. Construction of Duck Pond and allied facilities has provided exposure to students regarding diversified farming.
  5. Critical Care Unit established at CVAS, Bikaner is giving benefit to critically sick animals and is providing modern treatment facilities exposure to students.


DBT Schemes

National Talent Scholarship-UG

Financial Year : 2023-24 | Beneficiary :1



Rajasthan University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences,Bikaner
Rajasthan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Bijey Bhawan Palace Complex, Near Deen Dayal Upadhayay Circle, Bikaner

Website : http://rajuvas.org/