National Agricultural Education Accreditation Board

Accreditation is done to ensure the quality of higher agricultural education in Agricultural Universities and its constituent colleges. The University/ institution/programme are critically evaluated by a group of experts as per approved guidelines of the Council. The National Agricultural Education Accreditation Board (NAEAB) undertakes the accreditation programme (i) to assist people, prospective students, educational institutions, professional societies, Government and other concerned agencies in identifying institutions and programmes which meet the minimum norms and standards as prescribed by the Council, (ii) to provide guidance for the improvement of existing agricultural education institutions/ programmes, and (iii) to develop new institutions/ programmes. Accreditation of Agricultural Universities is a continuous process, and since the constitution of the Board in 1996, 43 agricultural universities have been accredited. In order to infuse better accountability and intense monitoring for educational quality improvement in agricultural universities, The Government of India has taken a decision to link accreditation of agricultural universities by NAEAB with the Grant-in- Aid from ICAR, New Delhi.
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