Event Details

Event Name :
Post Harvest Management of fruits and vegetable crops
Event Venue :
Horticulture Section, AC, Dhule
Contact person details :
Dr. C. V. Pujari
Professor of Agronomy
Event Date :
3/6/2020 To 3/7/2020
to create awareness and promote enterpreneurship among SC-ST participants.
Pre Event Description :
According to Schedule Caste- Sub Plan ( SC-SP) fund allotment from ICAR under the head 9.2.4 to conduct training for Sc-ST candidates. Object of training Entrepreneurship Development Programme and Skill development training especially for SC beneficiarys. Participants 30. Two days residential training was conducted. Emphasis was given practical along with theory lectures. Topics covered theoretically and practically - Future prospectus of post harvest management of fruits and vegetables, value addition of fruits and vegetables, scientific ripening of fruits and vegetables, post harvest technology of fruits and vegetables. Practical know how post harvest technology was given in laboratory practically.
Target Group: