Event Details

Event Name :
Workshop on FAW
Event Venue :
Extension Education section, A.C. Kolhapur
Contact person details :
Dr. S.R. Karad
Maize Breeder MIP, Kolhapur
Event Date :
6/27/2019 To 6/27/2019
To create awareness among FAW identification, prevention and control measure.
Pre Event Description :
Chairman of the workshop - Dr. S.R. Gadakh, DOR/DEE, MPKV, Rahuri, Chief guest - Shri. Dashrath Tambhale, JD of Agriculture Kolhapur Div. and Dr.G.G. Khot, Asso. Dean A.C. Kollhapur. Following were the lecturers for the workshop 1. Dr. J.C. Shekhar 2. Dr. S.L. Jat, 3. Dr. S.B SUBE, 4. DR. G. SHAMPRASAD, 5.DR. S.R. KARAD and DR. S.A. PATIIL
Target Group: