Event Name :
Annual Group Meeting of AICRP on IFS
Event Venue :
College of Agriculture, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh
Contact person details :
Dr. R. M. Solanki
Associate Research Scientist
Event Date :
To Review and recommendations of on going research programmes of on-station centers, on-farm centers and STC-SCSP and to review of administrative and financial issues
Pre Event Description :
The annual group meeting was organized during 27-29 November, 2019 at Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh (Gujarat). During the three days group meeting five technical sessions viz., action taken report, progress and review of on- station and on-farm research, review of Tribal sub plan (STC), Scheduled caste sub plan (SCSP), administrative and financial issues were discussed and presentations were made by chief agronomist and agronomist of respective centers during respective technical session. A special session of discussion on technical/administrative and financial recommendations of QRT, approaches and requirements for new SFC (2020-2025) and general financial and administrative issues were discussed. In plenary session, various recommendations of on-station and on-farm research were made for different regions related to IFS model as well as promising cropping systems. Total 9 publications related to new cropping systems and IFS model were also released.