Event Details

Event Name :
Workshop on Startups
Event Venue :
College of Agriculture, Hanumanamatti
Contact person details :
Dr. M.V.Manjunatha
Professor (Ag. Engg) and Nodal Officer ICAR-NAHEP - IDP Project
Event Date :
3/12/2021 To 3/13/2021
This workshop aims to understand essentials of Start-up ecosystem through the experiences of successful entrepreneurs about the journey of their agri-enterprises
Pre Event Description :
The workshop was organized for IV year B.Sc (Hons) Agriculture students of AC, Hanumanamatti. The workshop was inaugurated by Dr. Mahantesh R Kammar, Principal, Khannur Vidyanikethan School, Ranebennur on 12-03-2021. The opening remarks about the Startups workshop was made by Dr. M.V. Manjunatha, Professor & Nodal Officer, IDP centre, Hanumanamatti. In all a total of 47 students and 11 staff members were attended and actively participated in the two days’ workshop. Students participated comprising of 01 physically challenged girl student, 06 SC students (02 boys & 04 girls), 02 ST students (02 boys), 34 OBC students (24 boys & 10 girls) and 04 GM students (02 boys & 02 girls). Four resource persons for the workshop ie., Dr. H.M. Pradeep, Managing Director, Suvarna Agro Technologies, Davangere; Mr. R. Manjunath, Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Future Biotech, Dharwad; Mr. M. Nagana Gouda, Managing Director, ECO Agripreneurs, Davangere and Mr. D. Kumar Swamy, Managing Director, Devar Seeds, Ranebennur were covered various aspects of the Entrepreneurship Development and Startups in Agriculture. Interactive sessions were also conducted during the workshop. The plenary session of the workshop was held on 13-03-2021.
Target Group: