Event Name :
National seminar on Sustainable Food Production System for Self Reliant and Climate Resilient Agriculture
Event Venue :
University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad
Contact person details :
Dr. H. B. Babalad
University Librarian & Professor Agronomy
Event Date :
1. Resource Conservation Technologies for Sustainable Production
2. Organic, Natural and Ecological Agricultural Production Systems
3. Agricultural Innovations and Smart Farming
4. Crop Intensification and Diversification
5. Climate Resilient Agriculture
6. Secondary Agriculture
Pre Event Description :
The agro-ecosystems have been modified for the production of food and fiber, in the process they retain many of the characteristics of natural ecosystems, but from a toxicological viewpoint they are characterized by the frequent presence of agrochemicals, including pesticides, fertilizers, and plant growth regulators. The nature and extent of the agrochemical contamination will vary considerably, depending upon the nature of the crops and /or livestock. Degradation of agro-ecosystem and soil productivity in terms of soil physical condition, nutritional disorders, micronutrient deficiencies, salinity and alkalinity, poor soil biological activity and the outbreak of pest and diseases which are posing serious threat to our food security and livelihood supporting systems.