Event Name :
Empowering Rural Youth through Agri-entrepreneurship
Event Venue :
Directorate of Extension Education, BAU, Sabour
Contact person details :
Dr. R.K. Sohane
Director Extension Education
Event Date :
The objective of the proposed summer school is to bring together multidisciplinary researchers / scientists working in the field of agribusiness and/or extension education and to apprise them with the necessary skills on agri-entrepreneurship for better understanding of the process and procedure involved in setting up of small enterprises.
Pre Event Description :
Adoption of newer established technologies would act as a strong medium in promoting sustainable livelihoods for about 900 million people across the world who are in poverty and distress. Innovation is the central point in the development of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs make innovations possible and operate under creative disruption. They try to address local issues and harness the potential of entrepreneurial opportunities, thereby generating employment and income for the local economy. This process has multidimensional impact on the local market and local economy. Eastern Gangetic Plains (EGP) is the home to 300 million people, with the world’s highest concentration of rural poverty and a strong dependence on agriculture for food security and livelihoods. It is very much applicable to the state like Bihar where more the 90 per cent farmers are categorized under small and marginal. Agripreneurship is the way by which we can enhance the socio-economic condition of grassroots. The retention of rural youth in farming calls for promotion of entrepreneurial activities in the field of agriculture and allied areas.
The course is designed primarily to provide knowledge and information to the participants on agri-entrepreneurship, venture planning, leadership, management and related aspects.