Event Details

Event Name :
Persuasive Communication and Soft Skill Development among the Agricultural Professionals: New targets and Innovative approaches
Event Venue :
Directorate of Extension Education & CETL
Contact person details :
Dr. R.K. Sohane
Director Extension Education
Event Date :
12/5/2017 To 12/14/2017
The objective of the proposed short course is to bring together multidisciplinary researchers / professionals working in the field of persuasive communication and soft skill development and to train agricultural professionals as per the need of 21st century market.
Pre Event Description :
Majority of professionals are uncomfortable while talking with the stranger. People who communicate effectively with subordinates and supervisors are treated as most successful employees. In today’s team-oriented workplace, persuasive communication is the key to success. If someone is having good communication skills, they are found to be more competent with professional image, relationship, acceptability and establishment as a brand.‘’Personal branding’’ is very effective because it communicates a clear, consistent message about who you are and what you should offer. A strong, credible personal brand helps you become known for what you're excellent at, sets you apart from everyone else, and can position you as a niche expert’
Target Group: