Event Details

Event Name :
Use of ICT in Agricultural Education for Accelerated Learning
Event Venue :
Department of Extension Education, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour
Contact person details :
Dr. R. K. Sohane
Director Extension Education
Event Date :
7/4/2017 To 7/24/2017
The objective of the said training programme is to bring together multidisciplinary researchers / professionals working in the field of ICT and educational technology and to train agricultural professionals so as to enable them to use modern day state-of-art instructional technologies for effective teaching and learning
Pre Event Description :
ICTs have enabled the convergence of a wide range of technology based and technology mediated resources for classroom teaching. It hastherefore become possible to employ ICT as acomplementary system for agricultural higher education. Now a day varieties of ICT tools are available ranging from projecting media to multimedia self learning module. For encouraging flipped classroom learning ICT tools could be harnessed in a synergetic way. Keeping these needs and possibilities in backdrop, the advanced faculty training programme entitled “ Use of ICT in Agricultural Education for Accelerated Learning” has been designed with the following objective.
Target Group: