Event Details

Event Name :
Entrepreneurship in Agriculture and Renewal Energy Sector
Event Venue :
Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola (Maharashtra)
Contact person details :
Dr. S.R. Kalbande
Head, Department of Unconventional Energy Sources
Event Date :
3/15/2019 To 3/16/2019
The conference will focus on the current and other emerging trends of entrepreneurship across the globe.
Pre Event Description :
India is the country where youth are playing the important role in the nation development. Government of India has encourages and support youth of India through the various skill development programme in Make in India. In present era renewable energy is playing important role in the development of society. This conference is help in the culture development to established the effective solution to convert the knowledge into skill for the entrepreneurship. The major objective of this conference is to create the platform to the policy makers, scientists, researchers, stakeholders, and the students to think on the green energy initiatives and green entrepreneurship.
Target Group: