Event Details

Event Name :
National Conference on Climate Resilient Agriculture for Sustainable Production and Nutritional Security
Event Venue :
Farmer Knowledge Center, UAS, Dharwad-580005
Contact person details :
Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, College of Agriculture, Dharwad
Dean (Agri.), College of Agriculture, Dharwad
9448497373 08362792180
Event Date :
2/1/2020 To 2/2/2020
Theme 1: Innovative breeding practices for adaptation to climate change in Agricultural, Horticultural & Forestry crops Theme 2: Impact of various biotic and abiotic stresses on Agricultural, Horticultural and Forestry crops and management techniques under increased climate variability.
Pre Event Description :
Maintaining crop production to feed a growing population during a period of climate change is the greatest challenge the Agriculture Scientists are facing in modern day agriculture. The increased crop yields during the last century and especially the Green Revolution were brought about by breeding for increased harvest index and disease resistance, as well as by using more irrigation water and agrochemicals. While genetic gains continue, the multiple challenges of climate change and growing global population demand new approaches to produce nutritious, high yielding, climate resilient crops and mitigate the negative impact of climate on agriculture. Agriculture is influenced by an array of biotic and abiotic stresses, which are to be managed through multipronged strategies. A strategic science based approach is needed to address the plant health risks and issues that affect productivity. The unusual rainfall, shift in seasons and sowing windows of different crops has resulted in appearance of new pests and diseases and reduction in crop yields. Indiscriminate use of chemical pesticides has been causing wide spread environmental pollution, resurgence of insect pests impacting food security, nutrition & safety.
Target Group: