Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur

About the university

The Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, established in 1974 vide West Bengal Act XLIS of 1974, has already completed more than four decades of its existence as the pioneer seat of agricultural education, research and extension. The university offers UG, PG and Doctoral programmes. All the three teaching faculties namely, Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Horticulture and Faculty of Agricultural Engineering offer 4-years under graduate degree programme leading to the degree of B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture, B.Sc. (Honours) Horticulture and B. Tech. (Hons) (Ag. Engg.). There are 25 departments distributed over the three faculties of which 16 falls under the Faculty of Agriculture, 5 under the Faculty of Horticulture and 4 under the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering. While all the aforesaid departments offer UG and Doctoral programme, Master degree courses are being offered from 24 departments. The intake capacity for UG studies across the faculties of Agriculture (including Burdwan and Bankura extended campus), Horticulture and Agril. Engineering are 178, 32 and 36 respectively. Similarly, for Master degree programme, as offered from various teaching departments of the faculties of Agriculture, Horticulture and Agricultural Engineering are 185, 48 and 12 respectively. Since inception, the University has produced around 6000 graduates, 4000 M. Sc. and 1500 Ph. D. degree holders in different disciplines, and conferred honorary D. Sc. degree to a number of luminaries in 16 convocations held up to 2015-16. As of 2015-16, 280 teachers are working under 25 different departments under three Faculties, alongside 19 officers, 422 support staffs and 370 field workers. The excellent band of faculty members have their credit to take part in 874 numbers of research papers, 68 books, 74 book chapters published during last 4 years preceding 2015-16.

It has three Regional Research Stations and three Regional Research Sub-Stations all of which have well defined farms to carry out mandated research activities on location specific problem focused areas of production systems. The University currently runs 21 AICRPs and 3 AINPs, and 220 nos. of ad-hoc research project from various funding agencies of state govt./ICAR and private enterprises. The outreach delivery system of the University is composed of three Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs); training units attached to the Directorate, Regional Research Stations & Sub-stations; Agricultural Technology Information Centre (ATIC); well dispersed Extension Education Units (EEUs); Farm Information & Publication Unit and a well equipped Exhibition Unit. In the year 2016, the Viswavidyalaya has been accredited for five years by Indian Council of Agricultural Research.


University Type
State Agricultural University
Established | NIRF Rank
1974 | NIRF Rank : 16
Vice Chancellor
Prof. Gautam Saha


v  To provide facilities for study of agriculture and allied subjects looking at the prosperity of rural West Bengal

v  To conduct research in agricultural and allied sciences

v  To undertake outreach education programmes concerning agriculture and allied pursuits

v  To provide appropriate technology support and consultation / advices to the state government and its activities for development of agriculture



a)      Establishment of the NICHE area of research on Arsenic followed by sanction of a NAIP project made BCKV as one of the leader in research activities on Arsenic in food-chain and its mitigation. Organisations like Dept. of Agriculture and Cooperation, Govt. of India; ICAR are sanctioning projects on this line at a regular interval. Arsenic task force, Govt. of West Bengal; Agriculture Department Govt. of West Bengal showed confidence on the recommendations given by the Faculties of BCKV.


b)      Partial assistance from development grant to establish Class one observatories (as per WMO standard), automatic weather station and procurement of equipment made Department of Agro meteorology as one of the leading centre in the Country. The facilities further improved through financial assistance under AICRP system and adhoc projects. At present both ICAR and IMD found BCKV as the appropriate place to train agro meteorologists of the country.


c)      Infrastructural facilities have been created as well as sufficient number of desk top computers purchased by utilizing ICAR development grant fund. This helps in effective utilization of CERA by the students in the library as well as in the ARIS cell of BCKV


d)      With the support from ICAR development grant a moderately equipped (hard wire facilities) Geo informatics laboratory has been established Important software packages viz. QGIS GRASS, ERDAS Imagine and Geoderma Professionals have also been purchased to run the activities of the laboratory. Besides teacher In charge of the lab down loaded many important soft wire packages available at free of cost. University is utilizing this facility to train the Post Graduate students by conducting the practical of PG level courses. So far, this lab supported the thesis work of one Ph. D, two M. Sc(Ag) and one M.Tech students.


e)      With the support of ICAR development fund Computer Aided Designed; Computer Aided Monitoring; CNC lathe machine; Agro processing centre; farm Machinery testing laboratory etc. has been established in faculty of Agricultural Engineering. These laboratory backup are fully utilized by both Under Graduate and Post Graduate level students of the faculty.


f)       A modern computer laboratory with 45 nodes has been setup in the Department of Agricultural Statistics to conduct classes of students and research scholars. All official operating software packages has been procured and internet connectivity provided in this laboratory. The facility has been generated with the help of ICAR development grant.


g)      During 2016-17 session Education Division ICAR sanctioned one Niche Ares of Excellence (NAE) to BCKV entitled Candidate-gene assisted breeding of rice for the improvement of yield and tolerance against a biotic stress and nutrient deficiency using land race of Bengal.


h)      With the help of ICAR development grant audio-video system in all the theoretical class rooms have been geared up with inverter. Thus now even there is a power cut, the classes continue without any interruption.


i)        A good number of Practical Manuals have been developed for the benefit of the students



j)       In Faculty of Horticulture, 6 Nos. of PG laboratories have been developed through renovation of old structures. Besides, One seminar room with 60 persons capacity has also been developed.


DBT Schemes

National Talent Scholarship-PG

Financial Year : 2023-24 | Beneficiary :22


Financial Year : 2023-24 | Beneficiary :8

National Talent Scholarship-UG

Financial Year : 2023-24 | Beneficiary :52



Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya,Mohanpur

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