Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri

About the university

Maharashtra Agricultural University was the first Agricultural University of Maharashtra established in 1968. This was later named as Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth after the great social reformer, Mahatma Jyotirao Phule. The University has a rich heritage to its credit in the field of agricultural education and research by having its origin in the College of Agriculture, Pune, which was established in the year 1907 and is one of the oldest Agriculture colleges in Asia. The MPKV jurisdiction is spread over 10 districts of Western Maharashtra (Kolhapur, Sangli, Satara, Solapur, Pune, Ahmednagar, Nasik, Dhule, Nandurbar and Jalgaon). Out of nine-agro-climatic zones of Maharashtra, four agroclimatic zones viz; Western Ghat Zone, Sub-montane Zone, Western Maharashtra Plain Zone and Scarcity Zones fall under the jurisdiction of MPKV.



The MPKV is committed to continuous improvement in agriculture and allied fields by development of quality human resource in various disciplines, carrying out the basic and applied research for providing appropriate technological solutions and piloting the extension activities for efficient technology transfer to the farming community and agro-business entrepreneurs.


University Type
State Agricultural University
Established | NIRF Rank
1968 | NIRF Rank : 36
Vice Chancellor
Dr. P.K. Patil


v  To provide diploma, graduate, post-graduate and doctorate level quality education in agriculture, horticulture, agricultural engineering and allied fields viz., Agril. Biotechnology, Food Technology, Agriculture Business Management, for producing the competent human resource.

v  To encourage and provide agricultural education to girls particularly with rural background so as to increase their involvement in farming and allied agro-business activities and for empowerment of rural women.

v  To carry out basic, applied and need-based research in various fields related to agriculture to provide an appropriate and economical solution for emerging problems and to develop technologies to improve socio-economic conditions of the farming community.

v  To arrange the trainings for effective transfer of various technologies to the farmers and the related organizations in order to improve agricultural productivity, production and overall economic conditions of the rural population of the State.

v  To develop suitable technologies for supporting the growth of subsidiary occupation and agro-based industry and to generate self-employment opportunities for the educated youths and women.

v  To provide technical advice to the State Government in planning the various schemes for overall socio-economic progress of the rural population of the State.

v  To establish new colleges, schools, research stations, departments and laboratories to strengthen the agricultural education and research in new emerging areas.

v  Skill development in the field of agriculture and allied sciences.



1. College of Agriculture, Pune:

1.      In order to develop Competence, Capability, Capacity building and for acquiring skill the practical training programme were organized to reorient the graduates in agriculture.

2.      ICAR development assistance helped to improve the education quality and infrastructural facilities viz. hostel and laboratories facilities through development of modernization of laboratories / farm facilities and involvement of ICT for education.

3.      Library facilities were improved through introduction of Jgateplus / Krishikosh/ e-granth/ Krishiprabha/ KOHA software and ebook facilities to students by modernization of computer facilities as well as placement cell activities.

4.      The educational environment was maintained and these particular facilities were improved participation in various national training programmes Seminars, Symposia, Workshops were attended by faculty members and placement cell activities.

5.      Efforts were taken to create facility for personality development for UG/PG students, educational tours and involvement in sports activities.


2.   College of Agriculture, Dhule:

1.      Impact on farm development activities: Is has provided the facilities to purchase for the machineries like tractor & its implements so as to generate employment to the laborers and implementing mechanical cultivation of field and seed production crops.

  1. Similarly, it has helped in creating modern irrigation facilities like introduction of drip, sprinkler and micro sprinkler, rain gun irrigation facilities whish saved the water and brought more and more area under irrigation and helped in use of every drop of water for croup production

3.      This finance made it possible to purchase latest meteorological equipment for meteorology observatory for recording daily observation for judging the weather of the Dhule and climate of Khandesh region to predict & forecast the weather for the use by the farmers & data processing and it transfer to IMD centers through automatic weather stations in Maharashtra state and country.

4.      Laboratories have been well equipped & modernized for the use by the UG & PG students for water, soil & plant analysis for various nutrients , moisture status in atmosphere and soil etc.

This helped in increasing the revenue receipts of the farm up to Rupees 25 Lack per year where as previous average receipts were only up to 10 Lack Rupees per year through seed production and sale of vermicompost for various crops.


3.   College of Agriculture, Kolhapur:

1.      Facility of Internet is provided through Wi-Fi connectivity to UG and PG students

2.      Created a state of -a- art laboratory of Animal Husbandry and Dairy Science and student fully use it.

3.      LCD were purchased for delivering lectures and practical of UG andPG

4.      C.C.T.V. Camera system was installed at college hostels for providing security to boys and girls student


4.   College of Horticulture, Pune:

1.      Health facility has been upgraded by utilizing fund through medical officer by developing facility of blood cell counting to the students and staff.

2.      The personality development cell for the SC/ST students initiated and where dedicated unit of computer with internet is provided. Similar facility is developed as students facility center for other students.

3.      Computer lab upgraded with n-computing system and uninterrupted power supply.

4.      Development of three e-class rooms achieved through the grants for the effective teaching through the advanced technology/e-resources

  1. Renovation and repairing of facilities at Hi-tech floriculture and vegetable project, A. C., Pune where students Horticulture are trained in marketing andcultivation of cucumber, capsicum, gerbera, orchids and tuberose on 5R each through experiential learning module Protected cultivation of high value Horticultural crops.


5.   College of Agril. Engg. & Technology, Rahuri:

1.      Web based Phule Jal for estimation of reference evapotranspiration by different methods for deciding the irrigation scheduling.

2.      Web based Phule Irrigation Scheduler developed by Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, is recommended for computing water requirement and time of operation of various irrigation systems during different plant growth stages of crops.


6.   Post Graduate Institute, MPKV, Rahuri

1.      Annual maintenance contract are made with various firms to maintain equipments purchased by the institute.

2.      Chemicals, Glass wares, Fertilizers, Insecticides, Pesticides were purchased through SAUs grants for the research purpose.

3.      The faculty members and students participated in National seminars, Workshop, Conference, Training programmedue to SAUs grants.

4.      Guest Lectures and Adjunct Faculty lecture were conducted by various departments of PGI.


DBT Schemes

ICAR-PG Scholarship

Financial Year : 2023-24 | Beneficiary :10

National Talent Scholarship-PG

Financial Year : 2023-24 | Beneficiary :51


Financial Year : 2023-24 | Beneficiary :3

National Talent Scholarship-UG

Financial Year : 2023-24 | Beneficiary :287



Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth,Rahuri
Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth

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