SN | College Name | Name | Purpose |
B. A. College of Agriculture,Anand
Agricultural Microbiology Laboratory
Research and development of technologies related agricultural beneficial microorganism, molecular identification of microorganism and microbial analysis of soil samples are carried out in this laboratory. However, Microbiological and biochemical analysis of samples as well as lyophilisation of microbial culture and mass production of liquid bio fertilizer are carried out. Moreover, Biochemical analysis of the microbial metabolites through chromatography, equipped with portable GHG monitoring facility for analysis of gas samples for trace amount of methane, nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide are carried out.
B. A. College of Agriculture,Anand
Plant Virus Laboratory
Detection and diagnosis of different virus infected samples. Monitoring of plant viruses in important crops. Identification of varieties those are resistant to viral diseases in pulse, vegetable and fruit crops.
B. A. College of Agriculture,Anand
Central Instrument Laboratory
The biochemical, phytochemical, and nutritional characterization of a variety of field crops, including cereals, pulses, oil seeds, fruits, vegetables, and medicinal plants, was carried out using these extremely advanced tools. The nitrogen analyzer, amino acid analyzer, and electrophoresis apparatus were specifically used for proteomics analysis. The RTPCR and thermal cycler were utilized by PG students for their molecular research project on gene expression
B. A. College of Agriculture,Anand
Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry laboratory
Practicals on Soil Chemistry, Soil Fertility, Nutrient Management, Manures, Fertilizers, Soil Conservation, Problematic Soils and Soil quality related to Soil Science and Agricultural chemistry subject are conducted for Under Graduate and Post Graduate courses
College of Agri. Engineering & Technology,Godhra
Drainage Engineering Laboratory
To conduct the practical related to the Canal Irrigation System, Minor Irrigation and Command Area Development, Landscape Irrigation Design and Management for Drainage Engineering subject of Under Graduate and Post Graduate discipline.
College of Agri. Engineering & Technology,Godhra
GIS & Remote Sensing Laboratory
To conduct practical of different subjects related to GIS & Remote Sensing in the Under Graduate and Post Graduate discipline
College of Agri. Engineering & Technology,Godhra
Watershed Laboratory
To perform practical of Under Graduate and Post Graduate students related to Watershed Planning and Management subject
College of Agri. Engineering & Technology,Godhra
Soil and Water Conservation Engineering Laboratory
To conduct practical on Soil & Water conservation subject for Under Graduate and Post Graduate students
College of Agri. Engineering & Technology,Godhra
Tractor and Power laboratory
To perform the practical of Under Graduate and Post Graduate students related to Tractor Systems and controls subject
College of Agri. Engineering & Technology,Godhra
Farm Equipment laboratory
To conduct the practical on Farm Machinery and Equipment related subjects for Under Graduate and Post Graduate courses
College of Agri. Engineering & Technology,Godhra
Ergonomics laboratory
To perform the practical of Under Graduate and Post Graduate courses for Ergonomics and safety in farm operations
College of Agri. Engineering & Technology,Godhra
Computer-cum-Language laboratory
To conduct Computer and English language related Under Graduate and Post Graduate practical for the subject of Web Designing and Internet Applications, Communication Skills, Computer Programming and Data Structures.
B. A. College of Agriculture,Anand
Agricultural Entomology Laboratory
Practicals on Integrated Pest Management, Management of Beneficial Insects, Grain and their Management, Crops and their Management related to Agricultural Entomology subjects are conducted for Under graduate and Post Graduate courses
B. A. College of Agriculture,Anand
Genetics and plant breeding laboratory
Practicals on Plant Breeding, Cytogenetics, Molecular Biology, Biotechnology. molecular breeding, biotechnology and tissue culture of Genetics and Plant Breeding subjects are conducted for Under graduate and Post Graduate courses
B. A. College of Agriculture,Anand
Seed Enhancement Laboratory
Practicals on seed vigour, genetic purity, seed health, and seed storage related to the Seed science subject are conducted for Under Graduate and Post Graduate students
B. A. College of Agriculture,Anand
Nematology laboratory
Practicals on identification of various Nematode and their management, diagnosis of nematode infected root various crops. Conducting extraction technique by Petri dish Assembly method of related to Nemetology subject are conducted for Under Graduate and Post Graduate students
B. A. College of Agriculture,Anand
Agricultural Statistical Laboratory
Practicals on Agricultural informatics, Statistical methods, Agricultural informatics, Statistical methods, Numerical analysis, and Industrial statistics related to Agricultural Statistical subject are conducted for Under Graduate and Post Graduate courses
B. A. College of Agriculture,Anand
English Language Laboratory
To train the students for listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in English. To conduct practical sessions related language learning
College of Agriculture,Vaso
Agronomy laboratory
Practicals on different agronomical concepts like seeds, farm implements, package of practices of different agricultural crops, vermin-compost, fertilizers, water management practices related to Agronomy subject are conducted for Under Graduate courses
College of Agriculture,Vaso
Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry laboratory
Practicals on different soil science concepts like soil analysis for macro & micro nutrients, rocks and minerals, construction of fertility map related to soil science and agricultural chemistry subject are conducted for Under Graduate courses.
College of Agriculture,Vaso
Horticulture laboratory
Practicals on different horticulture concepts like fruits & vegetable production, agro-forestry, value addition, propagation methods, layout of garden & orchard related to horticulture subject are conducted for Under Graduate courses.
College of Agriculture,Vaso
Animal Science laboratory
Practicals on different animal science concepts like domestic breeds of cow & buffalo, artificial insemination technique, fodder management, milk production related to animal science subject are conducted for Under Graduate courses.
College of Agriculture,Vaso
Genetics and Plant breeding laboratory
Practicals on different concepts like seed production, tissue culture, seed technology, physiological study of plants, molecular techniques of plant analysis, breeding methods related to Genetics and Plant breeding subject are conducted for Under Graduate courses.
Food Processing Technology & Bio Energy,Anand
Food Processing Technology Laboratory
This laboratory is used for food processing experiment and research related to baking, fruits and vegetable processing conducted for Under Graduate and Post Graduate courses.
College of Agriculture,Vaso
Plant Pathology laboratory
Practicals on different concepts like plant diseases and their management, microscopy, mass production technology of microorganisms, mushroom cultivation, nematode management related to Plant pathology subject are conducted for Under graduate courses.
College of Agriculture,Jabugam
Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry
Practicals on different agronomical concepts like Seeds, farm implements, Package of practices of different agricultural crops, Vermin-compost, Fertilizers, Water management practices related to Agronomy subject are conducted for Under Graduate courses
College of Agriculture,Jabugam
Plant Pathology
Practicals on herbarium (Dry & green preservation), plant pathogenic microorganisms (Fungus, Bacteria, Nematodes), mass production of Bio-fertilizers & Bio-agents (Trichoderma, NPK Consortium, Azotobacter, Acetobacter, Rhizobium), Isolation, Media preparation & culturing of various plant pathogens related to plant pathology and Ag. microbiology subjects are conducted for Under Graduate and Post Graduate courses.
Food Processing Technology & Bio Energy,Anand
Food Microbiology Laboratory
This Laboratory is used to perform practical on Microbial analysis of Various food samples in the Under Graduate and Post Graduate courses.
College of Agri. Engineering & Technology,Godhra
Food Engineering Laboratory
To conduct practical on Food Engineering related subject in the Under Graduate and Post Graduate discipline
College of Agri. Engineering & Technology,Godhra
Process Engineering Laboratory
To perform practical of different subjects related to Process Engineering subject in the Under Graduate and Post Graduate discipline
College of Agri. Engineering & Technology,Godhra
To perform practical on Mechanical Engineering and Workshop Technology related subject in the Under Graduate and Post Graduate courses
College of Agriculture,Jabugam
Agricultural Entomology laboratory
Practicals on different entomological concepts like crop pests & their management, apiculture, mass production of bio-agents, Pesticide application equipments related to Agricultural Entomology are conducted for Under Graduate courses.
College of Agriculture,Jabugam
Genetics and Plant Breeding
Practicals on cytogenetic studies, DNA extraction, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), gel electrophoresis and other molecular techniques, fostering a deep understanding of genetic manipulation are conducted. Practicals on seed germination studies, exploring dormancy, factors affecting seed viability, seed quality testing, encompassing physical, physiological, genetic quality assessments, seed processing techniques etc are conducted for Under Graduate and Post Graduate courses.
College of Agriculture,Jabugam
Agronomy laboratory
Practicals on crop production (seed identification and testing, soil analysis, fertilizer application, irrigation techniques), Seed germination, viability tests, plant population, Seed rate, Sowing equipment, Measure field capacity, Bulk density, moisture estimation, Irrigation methods, Interpret herbicide, herbicide formulations, herbicide mixtures, herbicide doses, weed control efficiency, weed indices, parasitic weeds, Herbicide application methods and spraying equipment of Agronomy related subject are conducted for Under Graduate courses.
College of Agriculture,Jabugam
Horticulture laboratory
Practicals on plant propagation, plant identification, landscaping, nutrition, sustainable gardening and ELP programs (preparation of jam, jelly, marmalade, squash, juice, candy) related to Horticulture subject are conducted for Under Graduate courses.
College of Agriculture,Jabugam
Computer laboratory
Practicals on use different subjects of computer are conducted for Under Graduate courses.
College of Agriculture,Vaso
Agricultural Entomology laboratory
Practicals on different entomological concepts like crop pests & their management, apiculture, mass production of bio-agents, pesticide application equipments related to Agricultural Entomology are conducted for Under Graduate courses.
College of Horticulture,ANAND
Fruit Science laboratory
Practicals on different subjects of fruit crops are conducted for Under Graduate courses.
College of Horticulture,ANAND
Plant Protection laboratory
Practicals on different subjects of plant pathology and agricultural entomology are conducted for Under Graduate courses.
College of Horticulture,ANAND
Post-Harvest Technology laboratory
Practicals on preparation of different fruit processing product related subject are conducted for Under Graduate courses.
College of Horticulture,ANAND
Natural Resource Management laboratory
Practicals on Soil Science and Agricultural chemistry related subject are conducted for Under Graduate courses.
College of Horticulture,ANAND
Computer laboratory
Practicals on different subjects of agricultural statistics are conducted for Under Graduate courses.
College of Agriculture Information Technology,ANAND
Instrumentation Laboratory
Practical on different subjects of Instrumentation and Internet of Things are conducted for Under Graduate courses
College of Agriculture Information Technology,ANAND
Multimedia Studio and Laboratory
Practical on different subjects of Multimedia Studio and Computer graphics are conducted for Under Graduate courses
College of Agriculture Information Technology,ANAND
Computer Laboratory
Practical on different subjects of Computer are conducted for Under Graduate courses
Food Processing Technology & Bio Energy,Anand
Advance Food Processing Technology Laboratory
This laboratory is used for advance food Processing technologies consist of various pilot scale equipment such as PEF, Ultrasonic washer, Ultra-filtration system, Colloid mill are conduct various research activities. Moreover, practical on food processing technologies are conducted for Post Graduate courses.
Food Processing Technology & Bio Energy,Anand
Animal Product Development Laboratory
To conduct practical related to animal-derived food products such as patty, sausages and their analysis for under Graduate courses.
Food Processing Technology & Bio Energy,Anand
Dairy Technology Laboratory
This laboratory consists of equipment such as butter churn, cream separator, spray dryer etc..Which si useful to conduct practical related to dairy processing subjects for under Graduate and post Graduate courses.
Food Processing Technology & Bio Energy,Anand
Food Microstructure Laboratory
This laboratory use to examine and analyze the rheological and textural structures of food material which is useful to conduct various practical for Under Graduate and Post Graduate courses.
Food Processing Technology & Bio Energy,Anand
Food Product Development Laboratory
This laboratory is fully equipped with cooking stations having all the facilities to conduct product development practical and research activities related to new product development for Under Graduate and Post Graduate courses..
Food Processing Technology & Bio Energy,Anand
Sensory Evaluation Laboratory
This laboratory consists of briefing room preparation room and individual testing booths with controlled light to conduct sensory evaluation of food products are conducted for Under Graduate and Post Graduate courses. Which is useful to conduct the organoleptic evaluation such as taste, smell, appearance, and texture of food items as per standard methods.
Food Processing Technology & Bio Energy,Anand
Basic Electrical Engineering Laboratory
To perform practical related to Basic Electrical Engineering Like motors, generators, transformer and understanding of single phase and three phase systems in Under Graduate course.
Food Processing Technology & Bio Energy,Anand
Fluid Mechanics Laboratory
To perform practical on different flow measuring devices imparting knowledge on flow analysis and understanding of different types of compressors and pumps in Under Graduate courses.
Food Processing Technology & Bio Energy,Anand
Food Irradiation Research Laboratory
In this Laboratory, Research activities related to exposure of gamma rays to agricultural or food material for shelf life extension is conducted for Post Graduate courses.
Food Processing Technology & Bio Energy,Anand
Food Process Engineering Laboratory
In this Laboratory, different types of dryers are available which is very much useful in conducting Under Graduate and Post Graduate courses. Research of drying of agricultural or food material by use of these dryers and also extrusion of food material can be done by twin screw extruder in laboratory.
Food Processing Technology & Bio Energy,Anand
Engineering Properties Laboratory
Practical classes related to engineering properties i.e. physical, optical, rheological, aerodynamic properties of the Agricultural produce and food products are conducted for Under Graduate courses.
Food Processing Technology & Bio Energy,Anand
Primary Processing Laboratory
Under gradate and Post Graduate research related to processing of food at an initial level are being performed. Primary processing of foods includes the unit operations performed at an initial level to make the grains/foods edible before it goes for further processing, for example, cleaning, grading, sorting, drying, roasting etc.
Food Processing Technology & Bio Energy,Anand
Grain Milling Laboratory
The Grain milling laboratory is use to perform practical classes of various courses of Post-Harvest Engineering. The equipment and instruments are also used to the PG students for their research work related to milling operation and milling quality of food material are conducted for Under Graduate and Post Graduate courses.
Food Processing Technology & Bio Energy,Anand
Computer-cum-Language laboratory
To conduct Computer and English language related Under Graduate practical for the subject of Web Designing and Internet Applications, Communication Skills, Computer Programming and Data Structures.
Food Processing Technology & Bio Energy,Anand
Food Analytics Laboratory
This Laboratory is used for High End Sophisticated Instruments facility for chemical analysis of various food products in the Under Graduate and Post Graduate courses.
College of Agriculture Information Technology,ANAND
Food Chemistry Laboratory
This Laboratory is used for Proximate Analysis of various food products and also used to conduct various practical for Under Graduate and Post Graduate courses.
Food Processing Technology & Bio Energy,Anand
Food Biotechnology Laboratory
This Laboratory is used for conducting various Under Graduate and Post Graduate practical related to Biotechnological techniques useful in food processing.
Food Processing Technology & Bio Energy,Anand
Food Plant Operations Laboratory
This laboratory has 8 different food product lines. In which, this lines are used for preparation of bakery products, variety of Namkeen and Farsan products, different extruded products and different dried food products. Moreover, this line are used for production of various types of canned fruit and vegetable pulp, processing variety of individually quick frozen food products various types of fruit beverages and packaging of various food products prepared in extrusion line in Under Graduate and Post Graduate courses
College of Agri. Engineering & Technology,Godhra
Engineering Chemistry Laboratory
To perform practical on Engineering Chemistry subject of Under Graduate and Post Graduate courses
College of International Agri.Bussiness Management Institute(MBA),ANAND
Computer Laboratory
Practicals on different subjects of Agri-Business management are conducted for Post Graduate courses. Moreover, Computer labs support academic and research related activities for students and faculties. Researchers and students can use the lab facilities to conduct practicals, experiments, data analysis, and other academic and research-related tasks. It also provides the space for students to access online courses, participate in virtual classrooms, and engage in collaborative learning activities facilitated by technology.
College of Agri. Engineering & Technology,Godhra
Agricultural Structures & Environmental Control Laboratory
To conduct practical related Agricultural Structures and Environmental Control subject for Under Graduate and Post Graduate courses
College of Agri. Engineering & Technology,Godhra
CAD/CAM Laboratory
To conduct practical on Computer-Aided Design (CAD), Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM), and Auto CAD Applications related in the subject of Under Graduate and Post Graduate discipline
College of Agri. Engineering & Technology,Godhra
Physics laboratory
To conduct practical of different subject related to Physics subject in the Under Graduate and Post Graduate discipline
College of Agri. Engineering & Technology,Godhra
Biomass-Biogas and Bio fuel Laboratory
To conduct practical on biomass-biogas, bio-fuel laboratory, Renewable Energy Sources, biogas technology and biodiesel/ethanol production using fermentation process related to Biomass-Biogas and Bio-fuel subjects in the Under Graduate and Post Graduate discipline
College of Agri. Engineering & Technology,Godhra
Solar Energy Laboratory
To perform practical of Renewable Power Sources, Solar drying system and solar power systems using solar PV systems related to Solar Energy subject in the Under Graduate and Post Graduate courses
College of Agri. Engineering & Technology,Godhra
Wind Energy Laboratory
To conduct practical on wind turbines and components related to wind energy in the Under Graduate and Post Graduate discipline
College of Agri. Engineering & Technology,Godhra
Applied Electronics and Instrumentation Laboratory
To conduct practical of Instrumentation & Automation related to Applied Electronics and Instrumentation subjects in the Under Graduate and Post Graduate discipline
College of Agri. Engineering & Technology,Godhra
Electrical machines and utilization Laboratory
To perform practical on different subject related to Electrical Machines and Power Utilization in the Under Graduate and Post Graduate courses
College of Agri. Engineering & Technology,Godhra
Water Quality Laboratory
To perform practical of soil and water quality in relation to plant environment management for sustainable productivity enhancement related to Water Quality subject in the Under Graduate and Post Graduate courses
College of Agri. Engineering & Technology,Godhra
Irrigation & Drainage Simulation Laboratory
To conduct practical regarding water management strategies, simulating irrigation systems to enhance crop yield, minimize soil salinity and improve overall efficiency for Under Graduate and Post Graduate courses.
College of Agri. Engineering & Technology,Godhra
Irrigation Engineering Laboratory
To conduct practical of Under Graduate and Post Graduate courses on irrigation systems and water management for crop growth related to different subjects of Irrigation Engineering.
College of Agri. Engineering & Technology,Godhra
Thermodynamics and IC Engine laboratory
To perform the practical for Under Graduate and Post Graduate students related to Tractor and Automotive Engines subjects
College of Agri. Engineering & Technology,Godhra
Tractor and Farm Machinery operation and maintenance
To conduct the practical related to Tractor and Farm Machinery Operation and Maintenance subjects for Under Graduate and Post Graduate courses
College of Agri. Engineering & Technology,Godhra
Refrigeration and Air conditioning laboratory
To explain the basic concepts and laws of thermodynamics. Concept of enthalpy and entropy in thermal systems for the course of Thermodynamics, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. Moreover, to explain the working of Carnot Otto, Diesel & Dual cycles.
College of Agri. Engineering & Technology,Godhra
Drawing Hall
To develop an understanding of basic rules of engineering drawing, dimensioning, drawing scales, first and third angle projections and orthographic projection for Engineering Drawing course. Moreover, to develop skills for projection of points, lines, planes, and solids sectioning.
Anand Agricultural University,Anand
Genetic fidelity and virus indexing of plantlets. Moreover, DNA fingerprinting of germplasm/varieties
Anand Agricultural University,Anand
Genetic Engineering and Metabolomics Lab
Gene cloning and genetic transformation for targeted crops and traits Moreover, Characterization of medicinal plants and crops for secondary metabolites
Anand Agricultural University,Anand
Laboratory for Micronutrients, Soil and Water Testing
To provide services for Analysis of Soil, Water, Plant and Fertilizer/Manure samples of Farmers, Researchers, Students and Enterpreneurers for Micronutrient and Heavymetal contents
College of Agriculture,Vaso
Agriculture Engineering laboratory
Practicals on different engineering concepts like surveying, mapping, soil & water conservation practices, irrigation methods, farm mechanization, post harvest engineering are conducted for Under Graduate courses.
Food Processing Technology & Bio Energy,Anand
Food Quality Testing Laboratory
The laboratory is established to provide efficient, precise, innovative analytical services through approved methodology and state-of-art facilities. The laboratory is equipped with ultra-modern sophisticated instruments with adequate work space and sample preparation area. A separate microbiological section with class II bio safety work station and sensory evaluation facility are also created for microbial testing of food products. The laboratory helps farmers, food processing entrepreneurs and food industries for food quality testing.
Anand Agricultural University,Anand
Pesticide Residues Laboratory
The prime mandate of the project is to monitor the preponderance of pesticide residues in agricultural commodities, soil and water and to study the persistence of pesticides in the soil-water-plant ecosystem to ensure food safety and security. Briefly, the objectives are to develop and validate the methods for pesticide residue analysis and to monitor consumer-level contamination of pesticide residues in vegetables, fruits, cereals, pulses, seed spices, water and milk moreover, to study the degradation pattern of pesticide in soil, plant and water ecosystem and to study the effect of various techniques & strategies for effective decontamination of pesticide residues
Anand Agricultural University,Anand
Centre for Advanced Research in Plant Tissue Culture
Research & Development and commercial micro-propagation in crops like Date palm, Pointed gourd, Spine gourd, Stevia, Pomegranate, Lemon, Banana, Potato etc. and new protocol development for mass multiplication in crops like Oil palm, Coconut, Sandal wood, Teak etc.
Anand Agricultural University,Anand
Department of Nanotechnology
Use of nanotechnology for various application in agricultural science with emphasis on nano fertilizers, nano emulsions, and various nano materials along with improving the nutritional status of foods/ beverages and increasing the efficacy of inputs like pesticides, herbicides, micronutrients, plant growth regulators, etc. and changing the soil surface properties and improving the water use efficiency using nanotechnology
Anand Agricultural University,Anand
Genomics Lab
Development of genomic resources for important crops of Gujarat state and deployment of molecular breeding for stress tolerance and quality improvement
B. A. College of Agriculture,Anand
Horticulture Laboratory
Practicals on fruit crops, Fruit and Plantation Crops, Vegetable and Spices, Ornamental Crops, Post-harvest Management and Value Addition of Fruits and Vegetables, and Fruit Production related to Horticulture subject are conducted for Under Graduate and Post Graduate courses
Food Processing Technology & Bio Energy,Anand
Food Packaging Laboratory
This laboratory is devoted to studying the various aspects of packaging material used in food packaging.
Food Processing Technology & Bio Energy,Anand
Electronic and Process Control Laboratory
To conduct practical of Basic Electronics Engineering like PN Junction Diode, Transistor and also conducting Instrumentation & Process Control related practical like Temperature, Pressure, Flow and Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) taught in the Under Graduate discipline in Food Processing.
Food Processing Technology & Bio Energy,Anand
Civil Engineering Laboratory
To develop an understanding of basic rules of engineering drawing, dimensioning, drawing scales, first and third angle projections and orthographic projection for Engineering Drawing course. Moreover, to develop skills for projection of points, lines, planes, and solids sectioning in Under Graduate courses.
Food Processing Technology & Bio Energy,Anand
Heat and Mass Transfer Laboratory
To perform practical on different heat transfer units like heat exchanger, condenser, evaporator related instruments taught in the subject of Heat and Mass Transfer in Food Processing in Under Graduate course.
Food Processing Technology & Bio Energy,Anand
Mechanical Engineering Laboratory
To perform practical on Mechanical Engineering and Workshop Technology related subject in the Under Graduate courses.