Tribal Sub Plan

Tribal welfare programmes were supported under Tribal Sub-Plan to the eligible State Agricultural Universities for implementation of the programmes covering tribal districts in various states. The funding under Tribal Sub Plan is done mainly for, Animal husbandry, Backyard poultry, Dairy development, Fisheries, Integrated farming system, Irrigation, Livelihood, Milk production, Post harvest value addition, Reducing food/ fodder and income insecurity in highland tribal agro pastoralists, Seed production, Vocational training etc. The capacity building programmes on value addition and post harvest management of agri-horticultural crops were initiated, improved agricultural and animal husbandry practices, apiculture, goat breeding etc were supported. The name of the Programme has now been changed to Scheduled Tribe Component (STC).


During the XII plan several activities were under taken. More than 3302 trainings were conducted; inputs were distributed to over 132474 beneficiaries all over the country. Trainings imparted and Demonstration and visits of tribal communities were conducted for ; Improved package of practices in Agri-horticultural and vegetables crops, agro forestry, livestock’s and fisheries management, scientific backyard desi chicken rearing,  Gadgets for udder health management, energy conservation,  Farm machinery,  Hybrid seeds, high value cash crop,  improved feed and breed production,  Lac cultivation, Land preparation, Soil testing, Soil treatment, Mushroom cultivation and recipes of Mushroom, Nursery management, Post harvest management, Nutrient management, Off season vegetable production, Protected cultivation, Rain water harvesting, Forest products and forest related livelihoods, Fuel saving in tractor and power tiller, Animal health, hygiene and nutrition, Insect management, Value addition and food processing and Vermi-composting.  Distribution of improved planting material and package of practice in different crops.  Capacity building for women and  adolescent, Significance of balanced diet and nutritive value of food, dying technique, Pot painting, glass painting, candle decoration, Preparation of milk products, soft toy, soya processing etc.



Distribution of inputs to tribal beneficiaries

  • Seeds of Cereals, Oilseeds, Pulses and Horticultural crops
  • Seedlings of vegetables, flowering plants and fruit tees
  • Distribution of animals, pigs, fish, duck, goats etc.
  • Distribution of suitable fertilizers and pesticides
  • Distribution of various equipments eg., Strong bins, Spray machines, weeders, Soil Testing kits, Farm implements etc.
  • Creation of tool banks for preparatory tillage, intercultural and post-harvest operations

A total of Thirty One (31) Agricultural Universities were given financial support during XII plan for running projects for the benefit of Tribal Population under their jurisdiction. A overall impact of the funding support given under Tribal Sub Plan is as follows.

  • In the North Eastern Hills regions, the interventions have led to adoption and spread of improved varieties of crops in tribal areas and increase in farm income from livestock rearing
  • The tribal farmers got awareness about benefits of scientific housing of animals, adoption and spread of improved breed of animal and poultry birds and knowledge on health care of pig and poultry has increased.
  • Impact study revealed the increase in the production (100 per cent for crops and 40-150 per cent for animals) and income of the stakeholder farmers.
  • These farmers have utilized the income for construction of pucca house, purchased farm implements, conveyance, higher education for their grown up children and payment of debt etc.
  • The service of Custom Hiring is catering the needs of more than 100 farm families every year. The mechanization is encouraging the stakeholder farmers to go for double cropping enabling them to increase their income during the crop seasons.
  • This project has channelized the resources to the grass root levels which provide an avenue for achieving sustainable development of the resources at the village level particular to the tribal community.
  • The project is mobilizing strengthening and building the capacity of community and traditional organizations, local government bodies and service providers to assist them to managing the agro-forestry models that ensures household food security and overall quality of life of tribal population.
  • Training and inputs provided for crop intensification through cultivation of short duration summer crops like moong, Increased land use efficiency due to cultivation of short duration rice varieties, marking it possible for early sowing of wheat.
  • Creation of additional income generation opportunities like poultry and bee keeping, Improvement in overall animal health due to increased awareness about animal vaccination and quality feed and fodder management.
  • Increase in area under pulse cultivation due to promotion of pulse crops.
  • Increase in nutritional security of the landless tribal families as well as small and marginal tribal farm families owing to the introduction of concept of kitchen gardening,
  • Access of women to the low input come generating opportunities etc. led to overall increase in farm production and productivity and increase in the quality of living condition of tribal people in the target area.
  • In Chattisgarh, a coordinated and unified approach for pig farming and made available to the tribal communities through latest knowledge on pig care and handling, environmental management and worker safety. The farmers were enlightened about economic benefits of pig rearing and use of conventional and unconventional food stuff for profitable pig rearing.
  • Importance of clean water for drinking was told that could keep the animal and human being healthy and free from all water borne diseases.
  • Tribal farmers were encouraged to establish silage- making units to preserve surplus green fodder to make the quality fodder available for feeding during lean periods.
  • To meet the fodder demand and overcome fodder scarcity, fodder demonstrations of improved varieties were carried out and now tribal farmers are cultivating these crops. All respondents have started regular deworming practices to keep their animals free from all type of external and internal parasites.
  • Majority of the tribal dairy farmers were following indigenous method of treatment and treating the animals themselves, whereas a huge percentage got their animals treated by local Priest (bhagat) through tantra- mantra but after training a significant percentage is seeking the help of veterinarian.
  • Most of the tribal dairy farmers were illiterate and were not vaccinating their dairy animals but now they become educated about the importance of vaccination and a large percentage of the respondents are vaccinating their animals against diseases like FMD, HS and BQ. Beneficiaries were educated about Identification and isolation of sick animals that become an important practice among the villagers to keep their animal healthy.
  • Tribal women were demonstrated for preparation of Indian products from milk and it’s by product viz., Dahi, Lassi, Buttermilk, Shrikhand, Flavored Milk, Ghee, Paneer and Ice- cream.
  • The preparation of the following value added products from poultry were demonstrated viz., Chicken soup, chicken essence, nuggets, kababs, hot- dogs, frankfurters etc. and Giblets, Feather meal, poultry by product meal from inedible portions as a source for poultry feed etc. The training created awareness among the dairy farmers about importance of value addition and brand building.
  • The participating farmers were quite enthusiastic and taken keen interest to learn each and every aspect of milk processing, Vermi compost production, cow urine and panchagavya based value added production. Modern poultry farming created income and employment opportunities for the people.
  • Supply of critical inputs for on-farm demonstration of different technological interventions continued along with the knowledge of their applications which encourages them to sustain technologies on their farms to strengthen their livelihood strategies. Tikhur is the minor tuber/ rhizomatous crop available in the forest area of Bastar division in huge quantity and its rhizomes are collected by the forest families residing near to the forest and process using old methods. Establishment of mechanized starch extraction technique has helped in extraction of good quality of tikhur with less time and energy. Tribal families were compelled to sale raw cashew at the cheaper rates. Establishment of small scale cashew nut and cashew apple processing unit will enable to increase the socio economic status of poor and marginal farmers of Bastar region.
  • Organized trainings on improved techniques of water conservation, water harvesting and efficient management, cropping systems and integrated farming system for livelihood security of farmers, Plant nutrients management, organic farming, poultry raring,  modern techniques of   rearing of Kadaknath for enhancing farmers income , other profitable enterprises like goatery, dairy, fish cultivation for income generation , operation of  incubators,  value addition in fruits, vegetables and forest produce.etc were imparted to the target group.
  • In Himachal Pradesh, the tribal farmers were directly benefitted under training programmes. Improved varieties seed weighing of different crops was also provided to trainees.
  • Under demonstration programme farmers were benefitted where seed of various crops, plants/ seedlings of vegetables and vermiculture was provided to the farmers.
  • At Kisan Mela the tribals participated where they were made aware about schemes of govt, departments and improved agrotechniques, farmers were taken on exposure visit to different demonstration units. Farm implements, pulse crop minikits, orchard implement minikits, apple plants and literature were also provided to the farmers.
  • Community demonstration of clonal rootstock based high density plantation of Super Chief, Spur type apple variety 100 plants were conducted. Development of land for planting, digging, FYM, fertilizer and plant protection chemicals were undertaken at six sites. Hi-tech Horticulture with improved agriculture implements were demonstrated on community orchards and inputs were provided.
  • In Jharkhand region, the tribals groups were trained for mushroom production including production protection, processing and crop management of Oyster, Button and Dudhia mushroom. They were exposed to mushroom production technologies and participated in practical of oyster dudhia mushroom production. They also learnt different recipe preparation. Due to language problem (Santhali) they were exposed to practical’s through photographs.
  • Several activities in other states viz., Orissa, Maharashtra,, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu etc were undertaken; viz. poultry production, hybrid rice production, off-season vegetables production, small ruminants, short duration pulses, mushroom production, short duration fruit crop and vermin-composting & uses of bio- fertilizer continued. The performances of these activities are found satisfactory on farmer’s are now adopting the same.
  • Renovation of farmers training centre, farmer’s hostels etc. was done. Several literatures was published and distributed to tribal farmers.
  • Self- help groups (SHGs) in goat farming practices and Backyard poultry farming were formed. Inputs in the form of Sirohi goats, Jabalpur coloured bird and kits were given to tribal SHG members.
  • Demonstration programmes on three row rice transplanter, manual weeders, battery operated spryer were conducted for female tribal workers, 5-row bullock drawn multi-crop seed-cum-fertilizer drill and training programmes on operation and maintenance of mini dall mill were conducted in the target districts
  • Special training programmes were organized for preparation of products from cereals and pulses, processing and preparation of soybean products, jewellery making, Mushroom cultivation. Conducted Bench mark survey through PRA, exposure visits and mega exhibitions show casing activities of line departments, industrials with new products (seed, fertilizers machineries and implements) were organised. Awareness on SHG formation was done and provided solar hatchery system, fumigation units, incubation units etc to the tribal farmers.
  • Introduced fodder maize (African tall), sigma beans, vegetable pea (AZ-20, Ps-1100), onion (Red coral) cabbage (improved Mitra) for the first time in target villages on mass level was done. Block plantations of High density apple and apricot was done. Introduction of shrink and vacuum packaging machines for vegetable and apricot packing for the first time in the region has been done. Several training programmes were conducted in the targets areas to create awareness about the latest technologies for the tribal community in all the districts.
  • The interventions led to 50% increase in area under hybrid maize varieties, 40% increase under improved varieties of Oats. An income of Rs. 5040/- per family could be generated through adoption of improved breeds of backyard poultry. There was an increase in 0.80 kg milk per animal per day in desi breeds which reduced time taken in these operations due to drudgery reduction of farm women. Over all an increase of 22% in knowledge of tribals on scientific cultivation of maize, oats etc was achieved.
  • Livestock and Poultry production are two important support systems for the tribal’s in the country, who have very less land and do not have sufficient resources to sustain. To secure nutritional security of the tribal population and get substantial income the concept of poultry production in masses was given. The necessary training, inputs, monitoring and assistance for marketing the livestock and poultry products, health cover and overall guidance were provided to the beneficiaries. Upon successful implementation of the program, each beneficiary is expected to earn approximately Rs. 1000-2000/- per month as supplementary income and house hold nutritional security.
  • At least 40% improvement in seasonality of income distribution of the marginal and landless farming community was done. About 25% overall increase in income generation of the target group was achieved. Formation of SHG and farmers’ club covering beneficiaries of similar interest group in all clusters. The interventions have widened livelihood choice for target communities by getting different skill development trainings like Vermicompost production, Mushroom cultivation, Crops, Backyard Azolla cultivation, establishment of IFS model and Orchard development etc. The Socio-economic status of Tribal farmers of the district has been improved.
  • Asset inputs provided to the tribals has helped them to think and initiate about self income generation and self dependent economic system. The baseline information on production, reproduction, growth traits, population trend, management practices, feeding pattern, disease prevalence of livestock and socio-economics of people were recorded. Several tribal farmers are selected for training programme from different clusters.
  • Health cum awareness and vaccination programme was organized in different cluster. Swine Fever vaccination in case of pig and Goat Pox vaccination in goat was done and mineral mixture, multivitamin etc. were also given to the farmers.